If you’re dealing with rats in Newcastle, Sunderland, Durham, or nearby areas, you’re not alone. Rats are natural survivors, known for their intelligence and adaptability. They can infiltrate homes through the tiniest spaces and breed at an alarming rate. A single rat can reproduce by the age of 10 weeks, producing up to 6 litters a year, each with 5 to 10 offspring. Without control, rat populations can grow exponentially, becoming a serious problem for homeowners.

Why Controlling Rats is Essential

Rats thrive in environments where humans provide food and shelter. Although natural factors such as predators, diseases, and food scarcity can curb their numbers, these alone aren’t enough to control the growing population. Active human intervention is necessary to prevent infestations, especially during the colder months when rats seek warmth and food indoors.

Protecting Your Home from Rats

Rats are most likely to enter homes during the winter, seeking refuge from the cold. To protect your home, it’s vital to prevent their access and regularly inspect areas around your property where rats may nest. Look for nests in drains, near rubbish bins, compost heaps, under sheds, or in outbuildings.

Recognising the Signs of a Rat Infestation

Rats are secretive and usually stay hidden, so you’ll likely notice the signs of a rat infestation before seeing the rats themselves. Early detection is crucial, as a small number of rats can quickly turn into a major infestation. Here’s what to look for:

  1. Droppings: Rats produce up to 40 droppings per night. These droppings are dark, shiny, and resemble olives in shape and size. You’ll find them in clusters, usually in areas where rats are active, such as near food sources or along walls.
  2. Urine Puddles: Rat urine has a strong, distinctive smell that’s hard to miss.
  3. Foul Smells: As rats live, breed, and die in your walls or under floorboards, a foul odour may develop from decomposing bodies and droppings.
  4. Scratching Noises: Rats are excellent climbers and often nest inside walls. You may hear scratching or scurrying noises, particularly at night when they’re most active.
  5. Footprints: In dusty areas, you might notice footprints or tail marks from where rats have been running around.
  6. Gnaw Marks: Rats constantly gnaw to keep their incisors from growing too long. Look for gnaw marks on hard surfaces like wood, metal, cables, concrete, and furniture.
  7. Nesting Materials: Rats create nests from shredded paper, cardboard, fabric, or plastic. If you see bits of these materials near small holes, it’s likely rats are nearby.
  8. Holes in the Ground: Rat burrows are often located under dense vegetation or beneath buildings. The tunnels are typically short, around 3 feet long, and can be up to 18 inches deep.
  9. Rat Runs: Rats tend to follow the same paths repeatedly, creating visible runs through grass or vegetation.

The Dangers of Rat Infestations

Rats carry dangerous diseases, some of which are fatal. Contact with rat droppings can lead to infections such as Hantavirus and Leptospirosis. Pets, particularly dogs, are also at risk of contracting diseases like Toxoplasmosis, Roundworm, and Tularemia from rat droppings.

Remember, if you see one rat, there are likely more hiding nearby.

Need Help? Contact PEST-SHIELD

If you need professional advice on rat proofing your home or want to get rid of a rat infestation in the North East, PEST-SHIELD can help. We offer expert pest control services to protect your home from rats and other pests.

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